Here’s a look at what you’ll find between the covers of the May/June 2017 issue. FEATURES Knowing Where and Getting There: Mastering the Nuances...

Scuba Diving | Dive Training Magazine

Here’s a look at what you’ll find between the covers of the May/June 2017 issue.


Knowing Where and Getting There: Mastering the Nuances of Underwater Navigation
By Robert Rossier
Our ability to navigate underwater is something we need and use on every dive. No matter what our objective, having a “sense of direction” can be a real plus, especially when we back it up with navigation training, including developing keen observation skills and learning to properly use tools for the job.

Get to Know Your Pinnipeds: All About Seals and Sea Lions
By Karen Straus
There’s nothing like swimming with seals or sea lions zipping around you, mouthing the tip of your fins, or pressing a whiskered nose against the camera dome. In this feature the author details the fascinating natural history of pinnipeds and describes where you’ll find them — and how to enjoy observing seals and sea lions.

Sanctuaries at Sea: National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa
By Joseph B. Paulin
This article is part of an ongoing series that overviews the National Marine Sanctuary system. National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa is thought to support the greatest diversity of marine life in the National Marine Sanctuary System, including a wide variety of coral and other invertebrates, fishes, turtles, marine mammals and marine plants. The sanctuary protects extensive coral reef, including some of the oldest and largest Porites coral heads in the world, along with deep-water reefs, hydrothermal vent communities, and rare marine archaeological resources, and also encompasses important fishing grounds.


Editorial: Controversy
By Cathryn Castle Garcia

Buddy Lines

Say Cheez

Dive Observer
By Betty Orr

No Dumb Questions: BC Maintenance, Nitrox Diving and Preventing Leg Cramps
By Robert N. Rossier


Dive Geo: “We’re Having a Grand Time” Enjoying the Island of Grand Cayman
By Cathryn Castle Garcia

Passport: Dive travel deals from all over
Compiled by Betty Orr

Diving USA: Dive travel opportunities across America


Scuba Skills: Getting It Just Right: The Benefits of the Pre-dive Weight Check for Proper Buoyancy
By Barry and Ruth Guimbellot

Instructor Tips: Reading Signals: How to Harness Emotional Intelligence to Benefit Your Students
By Greg Laslo

Always Learning: The “Creature” Connection: Like Baseball Cards, But With Sharks
By Marty Snyderman

Dive Shop
Compiled by Betty Orr

What’s That?: Hunger Games: How Marine Animals Hunt and Feed
By Marty Snyderman

Behind the Lens: More Good Than Harm
By Marty Snyderman

Premier Classifieds

Dive Training Classifieds

Dive Training Quiz

Final Check: What It Looks Like When…You Have Air to Spare
By Barry and Ruth Guimbellot

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May/June 2017 Dive TrainingThe Covers

By Guilherme Garcia and Cathryn Castle Garcia

Being able to find our way around underwater is important to our enjoyment and safety as divers. Expert navigator Robert Rossier helps better orient us in this month’s cover feature, “Knowing Where and Getting There: Mastering the Nuances of Underwater Navigation.”


We’ve been publishing Dive Training magazine for 25 years now. In celebration of our “Silver” anniversary, we’ve made a virtual library of every cover – front and reverse – from each year of the last two and a half decades.