In this issue: Scuba scholarships, update on invasive lionfish in the Caribbean, the best wreck dives in America’s National Marine Sanctuaries, and more! Explore...

July/August 2018 Dive Training Magazine

In this issue: Scuba scholarships, update on invasive lionfish in the Caribbean, the best wreck dives in America’s National Marine Sanctuaries, and more! Explore the July/August 2018 issue below.

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Dollars for Diving: Scuba Scholarships, Internships and Training Grants
By Robert N. Rossier
What if we could somehow score free scuba training, a credit towards training or money to perform some form of underwater-related research. As it turns out, such opportunities do exist. Particularly for those who see diving, marine technology or underwater research as a potential career path, a number of scholarships, internships and grants are available to help launch that pursuit of underwater endeavors. This article offers a sampling of organizations providing scholarships, internships and grants to deserving individuals who see scuba as more than simply a recreational pursuit.

US VS. THEM: An Update on Controlling Invasive Lionfish in the Caribbean
By Grant Currin
The world’s most serious marine invasion began more than a decade ago when lionfish populations exploded in the Atlantic. Scientists are still figuring out what we’re up against and how we can protect our reefs. In this article, the author overviews efforts by scientists and scuba industry stakeholders to assess — and hopefully reduce — the negative impact of lionfish populations on Caribbean reefs.

Dive Training Magazine | Scuba Diving Skills, Gear, Education
SeaLife Micro 3.0

History, Submerged: The Best Wrecks in America’s National Marine Sanctuaries
By NOAA Marine Archaeologists Tane Casserley, Stephanie Gandulla, Joseph Hoyt, Matthew Lawrence, Deborah Marx, Robert Schwemmer and Hans Van Tilburg
NOAA divers and maritime archaeologists have logged countless hours mapping and documenting sanctuary shipwrecks to protect and preserve American history underwater for current and future visitors to enjoy. They are often asked which wrecks are their favorites, so this article shares their Top 10 “Best of” list with you.


Editorial: Go Confidently
By Cathryn Castle Garcia

Buddy Lines

Say Cheez

Study Indicates Great Pacific Garbage Patch Gyre is Growing
By Betty Orr

No Dumb Questions: Gas Management and Air-Sharing Issues
By Robert N. Rossier


A Sense of Place in the Pacific: Exploring the Hawaiian Islands
By Cathryn Castle Garcia and Gui Garcia

Destination News: What’s happening at diving hotspots
Compiled by Betty Orr

Passport: Dive travel deals from all over
Compiled by Betty Orr

Dive USA: Highlighting North American diving
Compiled by Betty Orr


Scuba Skills: The Easy In: Tips for Performing the Giant Stride Entry
By Barry and Ruth Guimbellot

Instructor Tips: Style Points: Tailoring Your Teaching to Different Learning Preferences
By Greg Laslo

Always Learning: Casting the Social Net: Connecting Friends and Family Through Diving
By Marty Snyderman

Dive Shop
Compiled by Betty Orr

What’s That?: Cetacean Sightings: All About Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises
By Marty Snyderman

Behind the Lens: Avoiding the Blue Water Blues
By Marty Snyderman

Premier Classifieds

Dive Training Classifieds

Dive Training Quiz

Final Check: What It Looks Like When…You Keep Your Weight Down
By Barry and Ruth Guimbellot

Dive Training July/August 2018 covers
The Covers
Photos by Guilherme Garcia
For those with passion for the underwater world, there is a broad spectrum of career paths available. This issue’s cover feature, “Dollars for Diving: Scuba Scholarships, Internships and Training Grants,” takes a look at various types of assistance available for scuba-related studies. Thanks to UNEXSO.com, Grand Bahama for assistance with cover photography


Dive Training Magazine | Scuba Diving Skills, Gear, Education
Florida Keys